Monday, January 17, 2005

Site offers device to block Fox News signal

Some guy on the left, that bastion of free speech and other open exchange of ideas, has created a device to block the Fox News Channel signal from entering your TV and...I don't know, murdering your family or something:

If we band together and tell the advertisers to shut the FOX up, we can help limit the scope, or at least the profitability of FOX News. FOXBlocker is an innovative new product that filters out the FOX News network. Simply screw the filter into the back of your TV and never be exposed to right wing propaganda again (at least through FOX News). Using a proprietary technology, the FOXBlocker works to filter out FOX News from your cable lineup.

FNC executives are quaking in their boots. Oh, wait, no they're not:

There’s not much debate about who’s winning. At the end of 2004, a television year pumped up by Iraq war coverage and a divisive Presidential election cycle, Fox continued its three-year hold on No. 1 ratings: It now trumps all of its cable news rivals combined. According to Nielsen Media Research, Fox pulled in an average of 913,000 viewers, compared to CNN’s 479,000. During the coverage of the Presidential election night on Nov. 2, an average of 8.05 million tuned into Fox News, outpacing CNN by some two million viewers.

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