Friday, January 14, 2005

Malkin recounts viciously racist emails

Michelle Malkin points out that the flap over Armstrong Williams will lead to even more slander against minority conservatives:

[Warning: This link includes disturbing language. Reader discrection is advised. Seriously.]

As a result of the Williams/Department of Education payoff, the rhetoric against the rest of us will get even nastier. In the name of "minority outreach," the Republican education bureaucrats who cooked up their pathetic scheme with Williams have done more damage to our credibility than all the unhinged liberal cartoonists and race-baiters and grievance-mongers could ever hope to do. Thanks for nothing.

She then reprints some emails she's received:

Proverbs 69:69 counsels: "Like a whore who infects those she sleeps with, so doth the ultra-republican faux columnist infect her readers with lies." While you are looking in the mirror, cursing the Left because you weren't born blond, think about the above. Amen.

Say, how does it feel to be a paid prostitute for the republicans? Go get some more collagen injected in your lips, it makes you look more the part.

Those are some of the tamest.

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