Wednesday, February 23, 2005

No toxicology reports on Hunter S. Thompson

The "What's in Hunter S. Thompson's Bloodstream?" Contest is over. I spoke with Dr. Steve Ayers, the very cordial and helpful Pitkin County coroner, who told me:
"I did not order toxicology tests on Hunter Thompson. Cause and manner of death are the same: self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, so I did not even do toxicology."
Sounds reasonable to me, but I guess we'll never know what chemicals were floating around in that addled brain. But hey, at least now I have the cell phone number of the Pitkin County coroner. You never know when that could come in handy. However, we do have a winner: Jason. His entry was:
I’ll play the odds and say “nothing". They won’t find ANY substances.
He's right. They won't find anything. Congrats, Jason! Email me to collect your winnings.

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