Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Planes, Trains and Plantains

This is without a doubt the most amusing English essay I have ever encountered.


Justin said...

reminds me of my super-nice english professor from when I went to Lamar. Only difference is that she used a green pen, she just didn't like grading with red for some reason.

Jim B. said...

Holy cow. That's a riot. Who wrote this paper, Gregg?

Abejarron Caotico said...

I sent this to a friend as an example of what he should NOT do in school this year... or something to leave on his teachers' desks so anything he does looks good in comparison.

I had a teacher who used green ink all over my papers. She was also an unfeeling old bag. I suspect she was Vulcan and actually bled on my papers.

Anonymous said...

The funniest thing is the grade:


It wasn't quite bad enough to warrant an F.

Jim B. said...

Actually, Dude, it was entertaining (in a slightly twisted way) enough to warrant a barely passing grade, no?

Anonymous said...

OK, I'll have to admit, it did have some entertainment value as well as some, ummm, creative thought. At least it was written in English... I think.

Anonymous said...

That has got to be the funniest thing that i have ever read. How could the teacher still read that after the first page? I was on my ass.